Neighborhood Watch Academy

NWA Neighborhood Watch Academy

Neighborhood Watch Academy is a one evening class that offers valuable insight on crime prevention. It’s open to all adults and is scheduled every other month on the 3rd Tuesday from 5 to 9 PM at the Sheriff’s Office administration building located at 1700 West Leonard Street.

The next class is scheduled for September 20. To sign up for the class go to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office website at:

Sign Up Form

State of Emergency

Governor Scott has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of impacts from TS 9.  Emergency pricing regulations are in effect for the counties listed in this declaration.

Please find linked a copy of the declaration.

Although this state of emergency does not affect Escambia County, everyone should be aware of the procedures when such a declaration is declared.

HOA Board Meeting

The Floridian HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held August 22, 2016 at 6:00 pm at the Lutheran Church on Blue Angel Parkway. All residents are welcome to attend.